At the Y today by the mirrors with the hair dryers was a card. It was a Valentine card addressed to "All My Girlfriends a the Y". I'm not sure I even looked at the card which was next to the red envelope, but it doesn't matter. I was thrown deep into everything I value in all those fleeting relationships like the ones at the Y. Today the only Valentines I got were from girlfriends that started out just like the Y friendships. Circumstance, location and maybe a smile. Sometimes those relationships are the ones that change your life. More than a year ago, almost two years I think I had a yoga instructor that changed my life. It was simple, she said "we can do hard things" and that our dreams were ours but we had to make them happen. I did take the time to tell her that she had inspired me to reach for the job I really wanted, and then I never saw her again. Over Winter break this year I went back there and took classes from someone else, but the room still echoed with her belief, and what I saw as her belief in me.
So right now, today on the sappiest most comercial day of the year what am I grateful for?
I'm grateful for my kids. My sons are the reason I breathe and the reason I try again and again to do the best I can with all I'm given every day. They seem to be growing up to be amazing young men. It's all them, but I'm grateful to watch it happen.
I'm grateful for the women who love me and care for me even when I really don't deserve another second of it. Maybe all best friends who have known you since forever are like this, but I doubt it.
I'm grateful for the women who share the lunchroom at school with me, and talk about everything and the details when we can--every moment we can. And feed my kids. And let me feed their kids. And give me Valentines because that's just who they choose to be.
I am so lucky.
If the final ultimate glory ecstacy comes from people that you love, and people that love you, I think I just might get to nirvana this lifetime cycle 'round. Why not? Seems like I'm almost there already.
I am so very lucky!
May you all be so blessed.
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
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