Can you hear that Bare Naked Ladies Song? It's been, one week....
well. It's been about four weeks since I weighed myself. I thing Geneen Roth is on to something, here. It does feel free. I am almost ready to paste a "126" on my scale, she says if you really need to see some number on the scale well then paste it there. Somehow I've always wanted to weigh 126 (I'm 5'8") and don't think it would be healthy at all, but what the heck? Why not? Lately though, I have found myself chewing things and thinking "now, why am I chewing this and just how did it get into my mouth?"
That's not so good. Where I'm trying to catch myself is right at that very moment. No shame, no blame, no taking a second bite. Just awareness that it doesn't feel good to me to eat something I didn't mean to. A breath. Noticing how it feels and trying to learn from it. I guess it's a part of taking care of myself, not doing things that make me feel bad.
That is so far from eating a cup full of chocolate chips to deal with stress. Rock on, Kari.
Mindful March was OK, I still have a few things to deal with from Forgiveness February. April? Awareness April. Noticing. Awakening. Maybe it's Awakening April.
Whatever it is, my husband is probably going to be starting his new job today, if the negotiations go well with HR. Then he'll be gone for two weeks starting next Monday. Then he'll be gone for two weeks at a time all the time. I am very sad about it. As thankful as I am that he will have work (likely), I will miss him. The key to functioning well is probably being tidy and organized. Those are not my strengths. Either one. So, it's time to grow a little and get things settled with a good strong schedule.
For some reason the answer to all of these questions seems to be "yoga class". I love when I get those Holy Spirit pokes. "Hey, take a yoga class. Hello, YOGA class. Woo Hoo, find a yoga class...."
OK, I guess I'll go find a yoga class and then I'll mess around with Google Calendar a little more to see if it can manage my schedule for me. Like the guy who put the motor home on cruise control then went back to the galley to make a sandwich. "What? I put it on cruise control?"
Blessed Monday!
Citrus Furikake
3 days ago
I read Dr. Susan Love's book on hormones and menopause a while ago. You aren't there yet, but something to think about...she said that women who get osteoporosis (and have other health problems) tend to weigh less than 127. I just went to her website and couldn't find that quote, but I do know that thin women are more at risk for osteoporosis than strong, sturdy women (I plan to stay in this group!).
Oh that's good news. For the first time I really like being a strong, sturdy woman. It IS good.
As an osteoporotic 39 year old, I second Anna Banana. Osteoporosis stinks! Anything under 130 is high risk.
And JOB!!! Not the perfect job, but he got a job? That's great!
I am struggling with all things food and working on myself in that regard, too. Thank you for sharing your journey.
((i'll never REALLY weigh under 130, i'll just paste it on my scale and pretend!))
Word of the week? STURDY. It's popping up everywhere! Love that.
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